Thursday, June 14, 2012


Hellooo!! to all...I speak you about my favorite country, the country that I would like me go someday. This country is Finland (in finnish Suomi), for someone the best place to live.

Finland is a little country at south of Norway (really is not so little), have one of the more beautyful scenery of the world, with great forests amount and lakes abundant and a almost intact nature. Finland is a really fantastic country becouse manages to unit the nature with the city, a modern city.
Finland is known for its northern Lights, for the midnight sun event, becouse its winter lasts until six months. Also is known for its beautiful castles like the castle Olavinlinna (the image).
Finland is one of the more rich countrys of Europe, and it is with out exploit  its land, and its scenery, all they seem to do well, in Finland there is no contamination!, there are more bicycles that cars, have the more successful educational model, have the more lower suicide rate of the world and the more lower corruption index too.
After all this, my question is, why visit Finland?, I have it more that clear, is a beautiful country with beautiful scenery , with a great culture, is cold, but, worth it.

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