Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Fridge

   In my house can not exist something such spectacular, awesome and wonderful like my fridge. This is for me the thing more important  in my house (material things of course). We all know the use of this magic object, save and to keep the good state of the food. Without my fridge, I believe that I am not alive, when I arrive to my home, always, the first things that I do, is eat and oviusly, who recieve me?...forever my fridge, the best friend of the humans.

    The fridge in my home is very very old, never has been changed, but yet he is here,  live and working for us, is funny, he is more old that I!...I hope that he will be for many ages with me, feed me.

 This is more or less my favourite piece of technology, the holy fridge who is magnified by me but in yhe reality is almost always...empty ajjaj


Thursday, April 19, 2012

My music style easy, for someone, detect more or less my musical trend for as I dress, don't is that I'm very eccentric, but is possible detect it same. I like, above all music kind, the Metal music. This is a wide music kind,  the variants of this music are many. Into the Metal music  I find all kind to variant for all kind of pleasure, from very armonic and soft Metal, even very heavy heavy Metal with sounds more strong. Is for this reason that I like the Metal, becouse is useful for any encourage states.
   Some people think that the metal music is just noise and that is the evil work, but I just think that this people never heard Metal.
   For shorten this, I want present to you one of my favourite bands, Blind Guardian, this is a band very soft within of Metal, but for me is the best becouse mix the metal with epic sounds and lyrics. The kind of music is exactly Power Epic Metal. This band is German, and is created in 1986. If I had to select one song, would be very difficult, becaouse I enjoy all here songs, but I'll put them one song called The past and future secret:


Now, while the Metal music is the kind of music that I more enjoy, I too listen other kinds of musics. I listen too japanese music (rock), this is becouse I see many anime where there some songs I like, or group that I like. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I am Bastian

     Hello to all! my name is Bastian Nicolas Elgueta Reyes, I live in Santiago of Chile, city where I was born. I live with my parents and my two brothers, Max and Brayan. My elementary school was cursed in Colegio San Andres of Maipú  and the High School at Liceo de Aplicacion, the best school in Chile.

     Actually I am studing Veterinary Medicine in Universidad de Chile in the Antumapu campus where I am in the second years of program. Also I work like monitor in Mundo Granja that is in this campus.

     In my free times I enjoy go out with my friends or watch very time  "anime" in my PC (it is the thing that I more enjoy). Also I like draw or do crafts. When I am little stressed I go to do exercise very late in the night, this is very  heartwarming.Sometimes I play violin but I am not very good.  

    Out to the University, family, anime, draws, violin or exercice,  I am Catholic and participate in a group called Infancia Misionera where I work with many children in the church San Francisco de los Pajaritos and this is very tiring but is very very grand.

This is my life in censored form, , I hope that this was good for you.
Good bye!